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Finding Books for Kids and Teens

Thank you for choosing Prairie River Library District! We want to make sure every reader finds materials that are right for them. One way we assist parents and caregivers to select, books, movies and other materials for their children is by organizing materials based on reading or age levels. Identifying the right group for your child is a great start to getting your child's or teen's next great read!


Books to Read Together

Board Books

These books have sturdy pages and are intended to help infants learn what a book is and how one is used. Most board books have minimal words on the page and can involve lots of interaction between readers and listeners. They are aimed at helping babies connect word sounds with complete words and objects, and often feature repetition or rhyming.


Picture Books

Picture books combine beautiful art with complex plots to create stories that are best enjoyed when adults read to children. Listening to picture books over and over again helps children learn new words. Picture books can also help adults discuss important topics with younger children, like feelings or world events, by using stories.


Books to Read Independently


Help kids learn to read by linking the words they say with what they see written on the page. There are few words on each page, and words are repeated often to help with recognition. Try this trick to find the best JE reader book for your kid’s reading level: if they struggle to read more than three words on a page, try a lower level or read with them until they are ready to move up.



Chapter books are a great way for kids to keep reading on their own. Chapter books start small (under 50 pages) and get bigger as reading improves. Chapter books help kids practice reading a story from start to finish, in a clear order, and recognize that stories have a beginning, middle, and end. Many chapter books have sparse illustrations throughout. GRAPHIC NOVELS Graphic novels are another way for kids to practice storytelling skills. Graphic novels tell complex stories from start to finish, like a chapter book, but use artwork as part of the story. Graphic novels can be found in many different sections of the library.

The Difference Between Children’s Books and Teen Books



Books in the children’s section have content for everyone from babies to tween readers. Books with fewer pages are generally limited to what babies and younger children might experience. As the books get longer, the topics generally become more difficult or mature for older kids.



Books in the teen section of the library have content that is aimed at high school readers. Some books, aimed at older teens, may have violence, swearing, and sexual content. Topics are generally limited to what a middle or high school reader might experience.

Who We Are

The Prairie River Library District has eight branches in communities along the Clearwater River and Camas Prairie, with the district headquarters located at the Lapwai branch.  PRLD is a member of Valnet, a consortium of over 40 public and school libraries in north-central Idaho and southeast Washington.


Mission: To enrich lives and strengthen communities through universal access to information and services.

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